The Palestine Exception explores the largest anti-war movement since the 1970s as students, faculty, and staff demand divestment from companies doing business with Israel. The documentary features diverse academics confronting the historical censorship of criticisms of Israel and Zionism.
Atomic Bamboozle: An Industry of Lies
"This is an activist film. Although its immediate intention is to prevent nuclear power plant construction in Oregon and Washington, its message is universal."
Willamette Week
“Atomic Bamboozle” Probes False Hopes for the Future of Nuclear Power
"Portland documentarian returns with another powerful and provocative film."
Corporate Crime Reporter
Jan Haaken on The False Promise of a Nuclear Renaissance
"The documentary exposes the true costs of these reactor designs that have been aggressively promoted by the US Department of Energy and the nuclear industry."

Oregon Artswatch
Prolific documentarian Jan Haaken debuts her new film
"Haaken’s latest is an uncompromising piece of activism that’s well-crafted and urgent."
Watch ATOMIC BAMBOOZLE for FREE in February with code: ocf25
In partnership with the Oregon Conservancy Foundation
Wendy Winograd, Ph.D., Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Nationally Certified Psychoanalyst.
Jan Haaken is one of feminist critical psychology’s most powerful voices. Here again, as in all her books and films, we discover that Haaken, a consummate story-teller, is also a consummate listener. The stories she tells here, drawn from her documentary film work and her clinical experience, reveal over and over the complexities of what it means to suffer and what it means to be human—complexities that defy any simple diagnosis. Haaken’s capacity to hear in these stories what has too often been unheard illuminates for clinicians, activists, and social theorists alike the regressive and progressive socio-political uses-- over its long history--of the PTSD diagnosis.
Lynne Layton, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology
Dept. of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
This is a remarkable book by a remarkable author: psychoanalytic therapist, professor, scholar, and documentary filmmaker embedded in a Combat Stress Control unit in Afghanistan. No other book brings this wide-ranging and up-close access to the politics and experience of PTSD. No other book combines scholarship with experience in this way. A remarkable achievement.
Fred Alford, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus,
University of Maryland, College Park

It’s notoriously hard to make films about climate change that are pleasurable to watch. The NECESSITY filmmakers have done just that.
Their two-part series captures the awe-inspiring beauty of threatened lands and waterways and the creativity of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people putting their bodies on the line in saying "No to Oil.". Each of the documentaries is structured around a group of climate activists using the necessity defense in a jury trial. But we see how the success of this legal strategy depends on many lines of solidarity outside the courtrooms, from Indigenous water protectors and white allies, urban activists and small-town dwellers, environmentalists and union leaders, to different generations of people joining arms in a common fight to stop the lethal threat of fossil fuels. Everyone should see the NECESSITY series.
Naomi Klein, Professor of Climate Justice, University of British Columbia
Filmmaker, and author of The Shock Doctrine and This Changes Everything.
I wish that every high school student in the country could watch Necessity. This is a damning portrait of the bankers and builders who crisscross the country with fossil fuel pipelines — and yet it sings with courage and hope. The film offers an intimate look at what happens when people of conscience disobey the law, but stand up for Indigenous rights, environmental justice, and our future.
Bill Bigelow, Curriculum Editor, Rethinking Schools
Co-Director, Zinn Education Project